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Generosity Campaign 2024

Everyone should give what they have decided in their heart. For God loves a cheerful giver! II Corinthians 9:7. Your pastors and church Council have led the way in submitting their personal, financial commitments to support ACP’s ministries in 2024. Please prayerfully consider how generous you can be with your monetary support for 2024 so our Finance Committee team can begin crafting a budget that includes all of the exciting things the Spirit is calling us to be and do next year! Commitment forms are in the pews and online:

Why we give to the church

Why do pastors ask people to commit to giving regularly to the church? Well, simply put, because our Creator God, who loves us, tells us that giving our stuff to the church and organizations that advance God's healing love in the world - is also good for us!

Basically, If all we do is earn and store up stuff in this life, our hearts will remain focused on us. But if we make a point to give back to God a portion of what God has given us, then our hearts will focus more on others, our stuff will have less of a hold on our identity and we'll be blessed.

Jesus says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be." Giving a portion of our resources to the church is a big way to say thank you to God and to weave us into God's plan to heal and reconcile all of creation, including you.

That's why we give.