Children's Worship

Children's Worship at the American Church in Paris strives be a welcoming, inclusive environment in which children meet Jesus, grow together in His love, and are made to feel that they are full, participating members of the Body of Christ.

We invite all children ages 3-11 to participate in Children's Worship each Sunday at the 11h and 14h services of the American Church. For safety reasons, all children must be registered in order to participate: 

Annual registration (automatically subscribes parents to receive important updates from our team)

Weekly registration (must be completed each week before attendance)

Here at ACP, we call our time with our youngest disciples "Children's Worship" for a reason: although children may approach worship differently than adults, their worship matters to God, and it matters to us. In Children’s Worship, young disciples are engaged in the biblical narrative and meaningful liturgy through storytelling, prayer, music, art, play, and age-appropriate discussion.  

Children’s Worship is for ALL kids.  We welcome all children regardless of their spoken language, denominational background, or level of ability. Because God has blessed all human beings with unique skills and talents, we engage children in the classroom using a variety of learning styles so that all children feel that the stories of God are easily accessible to them. If your child requires special accommodation, please speak with our director so that we can facilitate the best possible experience for your child.

Children’s Worship also sponsors Family Ministry Events throughout the year including social functions, our annual Christmas pageant, family service opportunities, and our annual Vacation Bible School. More information about these events is provided in our weekly parent newsletter.

Our programs would not be possible without the participation of our dedicated team of adult and youth worship leaders. We offer flexible scheduling options for volunteer participation, so please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to serve in this ministry.

For more information, or to express an interest in becoming a Children’s Worship volunteer, please contact Allison Wheeler, Director of Children’s Ministry.

Rev. Allison Wheeler

Director of Children's Ministry

Allison has had the privilege of serving as the Director of Children’s Ministries at the American Church since 2013.  She is also an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and graduated from Phillips Theological Seminary in 2019.  She holds degrees in religion and theater from Ohio Wesleyan University.

Allison developed her passion for working with children by teaching theater in her hometown of Columbus, Ohio.  Today she retains a love for the performing arts, and for bringing that outgoing, Midwestern spirit to her adopted home of Paris.

Allison and her husband, Jonathan, are the proud parents of Josephine, Benjamin, and Isaac.