Paris Games Updates

Welcome to the remarkable Paris Games 2024 journey!

At the American Church of Paris, our hope is to foster inspiration and provide support for Olympians, their families, as well as Parisians and others witnessing the breathtaking metamorphosis of our beloved city into a global sports arena.

The American Church of Paris embodies the essence of the Global Olympian Community. With members from 50 countries, diverse languages, and rich cultural backgrounds, we unite as one to worship in our historic sanctuary. Through shared experiences and collective faith, we find strength and courage to embrace each day. Click this link, which takes you to our photo gallery to see smiling faces of our ACP community.

This website’s Paris Games section will continually evolve alongside those of the French and Paris governments’ and the Olympics committee's vision.

During the Paris Games, we'll host uplifting church services and musical concerts and interludes, celebrating Olympic values that are intertwined with our Christian beliefs.

We extend a heartfelt welcome to all coming to share in the Olympic spirit. Come visit our sanctuary on quai d’Orsay, nestled amidst Olympic events, where our open arms await you during this special time.

Stay tuned as we share more insights and updates.

Warmest regards,

Pastor Paul Rock and Jane Kendall on behalf of the American Church in Paris and the American and Foreign Christian Union families.